Haven't heard from my brother or nieces...wish someone would give me a call or drop me an email...
Down to 195. 57 lbs. It's important, but it seems petty to crow about it.
Poem: Crescendo
It starts soft,
often with a lovely sky,
and then feel air change,
the winds speed.
Racing clouds speed overhead,
not like those in a thunderstorm,
but streaming,
like the bands of chaos,
swirling towards the center.
Grey light, almost black at times.
And the roaring of the wind,
no sound exactly like that,
a polyphloesboean voice
tearing at your nerves, your ears, your home,
as you huddle there, waiting, longing for silence,
for no wind,
for peace,
then bit by bit,
the winds relax,
at first, you don't believe it,
but then, you untwist,
stand up,
look around you,
and see what the winds have done.