Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hubby is home...

Hubby is home, son made it to his community service today, and the sweater I am knitting is doing well, and my weight is on the low side of the yoyo I've been doing over and over again for the last three weeks.

This pic shows the lace pattern well. I like it.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hubby's coming home today!


After being sick for two years before I lost the weight, my everyday work and crafting areas had gotten to be a mess, so I am doing a serious fall cleaning and hope I get it finished enough before he gets home.

This is a thing that middleaged weight and health problems and depression do to you. I just couldn't cope. I didn't have the energy and I had too much pain from the bile duct problem and too much depression to get out there and do stuff, and the kids didn't pick up the slack and hubby was working too much.

But having lost a big chunk of the weight, I have more energy to do those yucky things like go through two years of shove it in a corner. Boy, it feels good both to see the results and to be able to get it done.

And this is in spite of my knee hurting and my winter achies starting.

I can do this. I now have what it takes to be able to do this. Wow...I had not realized how much getting too fat and getting too sick had robbed me of.

For about 3 weeks, I pushed my calories up close to the 1400-1500 range from the 1200-1300 range. Haven't lost any weight since i did, although I have been working out and getting a lot accomplished, and my hair seems to be doing well (I have so many factors affecting my hair, I don't know what's triggering the thinness...weightloss, thyroid, menopause, stress) but on the other hand, I don't feel much better and am having a bit more bile problems.

I can't imagine eating 2000 calories any more. My body feels like I'm binging on 1500...O to find the right balance point...between eating so I don't hurt from the tummy troubles and the achies, and the tendency for insulin resistance vs. getting adequate nutrition and having a good body size.

I did start taking some extra supplements, some for what hurts me, some for my skin, some for my general health. I cannot take much in the way of nsaids for the arthritis, because they kill my tummy. Doctor prescribed Mobic, but it hurts every time I take I only take it when I have to take something.

But I still feel better than I did last year! A lot better!

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Was a rainy night and a cloudy morning. For awhile there they were talking about a chance for snow, but it never got cool enough, and it just rained.

We can get some serious snow here. Here's a pic I took two novembers ago:


But not yet.

So what's a person with too much time on her hands supposed to do while it's fall? I started knitting a sweater, and reorganizing my craft stash. Seemed reasonable!