Been focused on the storm...
and went to a reenactment yesterday (something scheduled a year in advance and that I didn't feel right not going to, although it wasn't the most pleasant trip - I have sprained my knee and was having one of those days where if I picked something up, four things would jump off the shelf.)
Someone stole about a sixth of a cord of wood out of our woodpile while we were gone. Hubby suspects son's friends.
I found out that the son of one of my girl friends who passed away years ago made it out of the storm area. I think the house he was raised in (and is still in the family, I see, from the phone number there, so maybe he lived in it) was under water.
The only non-family person outside of one friend who emails me regularly that I have confirmed made it out alive. But that's the nature of the disaster, it's hard to know who made it for a while. I suspect more names will pop up.