Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Moodswings, contemplations, backaches

I've had a backache all week. I was helping my hubby lift something over the weekend, and something got strained.

Each day's been better, but I get muscle spasms with it that require time to relax. Ouch.

Doesn't help my mood, either.

Yesterday by midafternoon, my great mood crashed. Not sure why. But I've been whiney and a bit unhappy since then. The backache hasn't helped this morning.

But the house is still quiet, and I have one more evening before Teen comes home from his brother's. Maybe that's the problem. Anticipating having to interact with him when I don't yet want to? But only until Saturday. And then Friday, hubby is taking off to take him fishing, so I won't have a lot of interaction, anyway.

I probably need to plug into my headphones and listen to Beethoven's 9th, second movement. Go for a walk. Organize my office space upstairs, where I can write on the computer without having the internet tempt me.

I haven't touched my history project. I haven't touched my needlework. All I can really seem to do right now is journal. At least that's better than plugging into the soap operas all day.

Diet's still going well. I can wear clothes today I couldn't wear 2 weeks ago. That's some compensation.

Depression sucks. I need to find a route to get unstuck.


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