Wednesday, June 15, 2005


We live on the foot of a's not very high up the mountain, but it still produces a good bit of angle. Trying to find a flat place to walk in my neighborhood is nearly impossible.

This is actually to my good, I think. My favorite walk is about two miles. A mile mostly downhill, to warm up, and a mile mostly uphill, to come back.

Right now, I can't do it every day, because my calves aren't up to it. Being sick and depressed for a year and a half has taken it's toll. I don't have a cardio problem getting back uphill which is good, though, and in fact, sometimes, I alter the route and add another mile to it...about a third mile uphill, and another third mile down and the rest fairly flat.

Some days though, the only walking I get is shopping. Yesterday, I went shopping at four places, and was gone over 3 hours, and in my moseying fashion, probably walked several miles, but slow. Yet it was enough to make me feel like I had walked all day.

I do use a pedometer from time to time, but of course, I am always losing it. Still, all this work counts.

Come the fall, it will really pay off. We go to this place where it's about three miles in and about 1000 feet up, and it's a challenging walk for someone my size, but I really enjoy being there. Mountain trails are fun, but they take work. This year, I am hoping not to have to haul nearly as much weight up the trail as last year!


Blogger David Sheedy said...

I started a walking route not to long a go. I'm pretty close to a mountain, too. I think the hills add a little extra to the workout and provide for a good view of the valley, which I enjoy.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Doris said...

Good luck with your coping strategies. Teens are definitely very hard to cope with.

3:28 PM  

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