Thursday, June 23, 2005

Evening, and Son is back home....

Well my quiet world has been shattered by the ringing of telephones as son has returned from his brother's house.

It may be oneriness on my part, but I refuse to answer the phone this evening.

I haven't talked with him hardly at all because in part, I don't trust my flash temper, and I haven't resolved things in my own head, and I really don't want to argue or struggle with him right before he goes to his aunt's.

He asked if he could go out to see his girlfriend, since it was going to be awhile until he will see her again, and we said yes, but warned him if he gets brought home by the cops, his trip out of town is off, and he goes back to the time out detention place. But I trust that won't be necessary.

There is a thunderstorm going on in the distance, and we stepped out on the porch to look at it and saw a double rainbow touching the ground only a few miles from the house. It was beautiful and gave me some hope. I hope his trip is good for him, and I hope I can continue to relax from the stress of it all.


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