Saturday, August 06, 2005

Sick day, part 2

The frustration of knowing you have eaten 1300 calories a day average for the last 4 months, and you put on 4 lbs in two days.

It's not weight gained for real, of course. It's bloat. And it makes you feel achy. And crabby. And all those pmsy symptoms that make me feel like a walking Midol commercial.

Of course, being just a few days from turning 50, I have no idea if its a TOM event or something else is triggering it.

I don't like to be a gripey puss, either, but I have been one.

Still working on a webpage overhaul. I've been getting to indulge in playing with graphics, which I'm not actually great at because I've done most of mine using cheap freebee editors instead of the more elaborate ones, but I really enjoy doing playing with them. In my search for images, I found this pic - a victorian painting which I forgot the name of, but looks kind of transitional between things like the pre-Raphaelites and the Art Nouveau movement. More Art Nouveau, I think but a bit more realistic. Maybe I love it because it matches my mood right now!

Anyway, my dear hubby got dressed this morning like it was 1795, in broadfall pants, a linen shirt, and a linen overshirt, and went off to a meeting with our reenactment club. We're getting ready to have our big event over Labor Day weekend, and I know my reenactment clothes won't fit me any more. This means I will have to redo or remake my period skirts, and you can forget about corsetry. I wouldn't dream of making another corset until my weight stabilizes.

Last year, it rained on us the entire day we went out, until sunset, when our club had it's potluck dinner. The event takes place at Fort Bridger, Wyoming, and it can get fairly cool there in September, particularly when it rains. Here is a pic of me and hubby, slightly ragged with a blanket wrapped around my waist, and me about 4o-45 lbs heavier than I am now. Hubby looks really good in a cocked hat. Shame its too far off the norm to wear it on a regular basis!


Blogger Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

What a nice blog! I'm so glad I found it. Thank you, Blog Explosion.

4:47 PM  

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