Thursday, July 28, 2005

Dog Daze....

It has been such a nice, light, and enough to make me want to go out and play instead of doing the stuff I need to do today. Ah well.

I compensated by filling up my bird feeders and watching my three dogs play.

This is Amber, the oldest of the three...she's about eleven. Nowadays, what she likes best to do is sit outside, and watch the fenceline for some wood rats that hang out in the neighbor's wood pile and eat what the birds drop from the bird feeder. In her youth, Amber was a pretty good hunter. She much prefers to hunt on her own, instead of retreive like she was trained to.

These are Hunter and Velvet. Hunter, the golden, used to be my oldest son's dog, but like a lot of kids do, he's grown up and moved on, and now Hunter has decided that she's my dog. She's also a first class escape artist, and will find or create holes under the fence, and we have to watch her like a hawk. She's about seven, and is the baby of our doggie family

The little black dog is my baby, Velvet. Some sort of mixed breed terrier, she's my constant shadow, although now that she's about ten, she's more willing to let Hunter shadow me while she relaxes on her special pillow. The smallest of the bunch, she has convinced the other two dogs that she's the head honcho. Don't ask me why they let her get away with it, but they do. Maybe because she's mommy's little angel.

Such a nice day, and I have to do laundry. Ah well. Maybe I'll go out and sit on the porch in between loads while it's still cool. Supposed to get up to 96 today. I won't be sitting out then!


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