Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Mellowing Out....

Had a nice day. Handled my diet well, ate about 1200 calories, finished dinner off with my favorite coffee, fresh brewed and freshly ground.

These pleasant moments are worth savoring.

Outside, in the backyard, I have a bunch of bird feeders. Yesterday, I reloaded them with what I thought would last two or three days. Nope. Busy momma and pappa birds are working the bird feeders, dashing back and forth from the seed bowls or tubes and hurrying back to their demanding, needy young.

I can hear some of them, continuing to cry in a one note insistant call.

A little later, when the babies are fledged enough to fly, but still are being fed by momma, the sparrow mamas will bring them to the feeder, and feed them directly there. At this point they are nearly as large as the parents, but haven't learned to feed themselves.

This makes me think about my boy. Oh, he's taller than his dad, and wants to try his wings out, but he's not quite ready to leave. He still makes plenty of mistakes, but beneath the angst, and bravado, I see the good person he could become. I hope he makes it.


Blogger Knitting a Conundrum said...

Tends to vary day by day...yesterday it was 1400, and it's always above a 1000, and always below 1700. Average about 1300, which feels good to me.

If I were weight training seriously like I used to once upon a time, I would definitely bump the calories up, but for my activity level (most of my exercise involves walking, not a lot of aerobics yet) it's a good calorie level, and pretty easy to maintain.

8:05 PM  

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