Saturday, July 09, 2005

How lovely it is to sleep long sometimes....

Of course, my waking up at 6:30 might seem early to some people, but I went to bed about nine...and only woke up once during the night. I need to do that more often.

Found a neat page with various calculators for health - a decent body fat estimator, bmi calculator, how to determine your frame size, how much calories you can burn doing various activities (if I wash dishes for 15 minutes, I can burn 72 calories!) based on your weight, and other neat things...and some that aren't particularly diet oriented but have health value.

Health Status' Health calculators

Now that I am feeling less stressed and not sick, and actually have a bit more energy, it's time to do some housework (280 calories an hour at my weight), mopping (432 calories an hour), running up and down the stairs in my split level house as I move things around (climbing up the stairs is 388 calories for a half hour) and cooking (254 calories an hour). Sounds like great workout choices around here!


Blogger Wildefrost said...

You wouldn't believe what I slept last night: 1am-7am and then 9am-5:30pm! I think maybe I'm bordering a little too much sleep?

2:59 PM  
Blogger Knitting a Conundrum said...

sounds like my teenager!

But if you do it a lot, see the dr. It's a symptom of depression and other things...

3:09 PM  

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