Monday, July 04, 2005


Every spring, I get into this gardening frenzy. It doesn't last all summer, and by the 4th it's almost always petered out. This year was no exception.

I'm also allergic to the fumes from two cycle engines, which means if I mow the lawn, I have to use an electric mower.

We've had a wet spring (which means even fewer of the projects I was hoping to accomplish got done, but oh, how the weeds loved it!) and then a dry spell when our sprinkler system was broke, and then my hubby decided to do some heavy watering for a week to make up for it.

The grass is now higher than it ought to be. Our son who used to do the lawn mowing has grown up enough to move out. Younger son hasn't quite stepped into the niche, the last time he mowed, he broke two sprinkler risers, and is out of town anyway. And so, we haven't kept up the yardwork as well as we ought to.

Hubby is still dickering with repairing the sprinkers. At least we have water now, and he's just adjusting and changing sprinkler heads and watering a bit heavy, so I haven't wanted to run an electrical cord across the damp grass.

The grass still needs mowing though. Maybe today.

Yesterday, we trimmed a spruce tree, and filled up about 15 lawn bags full of green spruce needles and branches. Hubby decided that the area around the spruce is potentially fireprown, and wanted to be safe for the fourth. Since we did this on a Sunday, there was no way to get rid of the tree clippings, so they are in our garage until after the holiday.

But scooping down and picking up all those branch bits and stuffing them into bags was a nice bit of exercise, at least. It's kind of nice when your workout gets you some extra benefit like goals around the house accomplished.

But tonight will be a nice evening to watch fireworks. Our front porch has a great view of the valley here, and there are a bunch of townships visible, and each has their own fireworks display. We'll sit on the porch and watch all the neat spectacle without needing to go anywhere...and if it is a usual year, there will be a lot of spectacle.


Blogger C. Hedges said...

Sitting on the porch watching the fireworks sounds like a great idea. Better than fighting traffic in and out of the official viewing areas.

Deliberate Chaos

11:55 AM  

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