Thursday, June 30, 2005


Now that Teen is at his aunt's and I have little to stress about on a daily basis, I find the house is so quiet!

Probably needed it, but I am, I hate to say it, getting bored.

I don't want to spend all my time online. I don't really want to spend all my time working around the house. I don't want to spend my time chasing around town (not that there's a lot of places to chase around here, but there are some!). I spent yesterday afternoon "dusting" my hair - checking it for split ends and snipping them. I have hair past my waist, and doing this helps it lay nicer.

But still, that has to be a symptom of too much time on my hands! It's like when a sick person is too sick to do much, but gets crabby because he's bored. Sounds like I am well on my way to regaining my equilibrium.


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