Saturday, June 25, 2005

Moments to savor

Happiness is troubled Teen acting civilized which lets me act civilized (we’ve had some quality time talking, and it is good. I really like him when he lets me). After he came home from his brother's, the first night we didn't say much of anything, but the next day, he fell back into the old good patterns, like asking if he could go visit his girlfriend, and discussing who he should hang out with, cause he's tired (at the moment anyway) of getting into trouble.

Discovered he's been having troubles falling asleep, which he didn't tell anybody, and which explained a small stash of medications he wasn't supposed to have in his room. I told him to use bendryl, and some of it was just excitement, and having his sleep cycle different, and we would talk to his dr. about it when he gets back.

He's going through the usual want to go, want to stay type of reaction that teens go through when they leave their friends to take a trip.

When we're working on the same page together, he's so easy to deal with. It's just when we get the contraries (like I need him to behave a certain way, or do certain things) that it gets hard. But right now, he is happy, and wanting to have a good summer before he has to deal with what is ahead with the court.

Happiness is knowing that next month I get to go to my niece’s wedding, and see all my side of the family’s relatives for the first time in six years. This makes me very happy. It may be the last time I get to see my grandmother alive since I live so far away. And I have missed my niece a lot. She (and her parents) lived with us when she was a little thing, and it's hard to believe the little girl that I helped give her first bath to is now a grown up getting married.

Happiness is knowing that I am the smallest anyone has seen me since I was in my twenties. Oh, this pleases me to no end. And now I have to buy new hot weather clothes to be able to take the Houston heat. And that will be fun too.

This evening, after we put teen on the plane to go to visit his aunt’s, I may crash and burn, but now I am glowing. Even with a backache.


Blogger Its Me! said...

It seems you can always count on the sun coming out from behind the clouds at least occasionally. Anyways, they all have to grow up eventually....some just take longer. HOpe all goes well for you and your son!

10:29 PM  

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